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Springwater is a sizeable municipality formed in 1994 through the joining of many other townships, though the history of the region predates that heavily. Most of the towns within the Springwater borders were formed back in the middle of the 1800s, and a couple of them even as far back as the War of 1812. Regarding borders, Springwater’s borders end just outside of the northern part of the city of Barrie, which means that tourism and passerby are quite common in this particular municipality.Finding and investing your time and money in a new home is super easy when Springwater is the area of focus. Never before has Springwater been so attractive to homebuyers looking to make an investment that will actually pay out in the long run. In Springwater, you will have access to a unique amount of different homes, from detached homes, semi-detached homes, family homes, townhomes, and even executive houses, all with mass curb appeal and spacious, pleasant interiors.Springwater is conveniently located close to a major highway, in the event you want to travel to either the big cities (Toronto, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Kingston, or even further south towards Niagara Falls and Windsor), or you want to travel north (even further into the country) for a nice day trip. The Highway 400 is precisely the highway that takes you everywhere, from north to south. If you want east to west, head south on the 400 until you come to the Highway 401, and that can take you from the U.S border near Windsor all the way to the Quebec border near Cornwall.If you’re looking for a park where you can just spend a little time relaxing and taking in the better side of nature, you will have access to over 30 parks, scattered all across the municipality, and you will be able to experience every single one in its entirety if you so wish, as they are all just close enough that a short car ride will give you access to all of them.As far as schools go in the vicinity, you will have access to about 9 schools of varying types, such as Forest Hill Public School, Elmvale District High School, and even The Good Shepherd Catholic School. If you have a child that needs to further their education, then you won’t need to worry at all about struggling to find a school for him/her.
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